State Government working to deliver accessible facilities for people with disability, contributing $150,000 to the new Walyalup Koort Changing Place
$2 million McGowan Government election commitment to see the construction of an additional 15 to 20 Changing Places State-wide over the next two years
Part of the growing network of more than 30 Changing Places across WA
Disability Services Minister Don Punch has today joined Fremantle MLA Simone McGurk and City of Fremantle Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge to officially open a Changing Place for people with disability in the City of Fremantle's new Walyalup Koort Civic Centre (previously Kings Square).
The McGowan Government provided a grant of $150,000 towards the development of the facility as part of the Government's commitment to support a growing State-wide network of Changing Places.
Changing Places are important facilities that provide a safe and sanitary place for people with disability who require assistance and specialised equipment for their continence needs, including a height-adjustable adult changing bench and a ceiling hoist.
The first Changing Places were launched in the United Kingdom in 2006 to support the many people who cannot use standard accessible toilets, including those with profound and multiple learning disabilities, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and elderly people.
There are now 35 Changing Places right across Western Australia - from Meckering to Mandurah, Scarborough to South Hedland and Broome to Bunbury. These are part of a national network of over 170 Changing Places.
The recent 2021-22 Budget includes the delivery of the $2 million McGowan Government election commitment to support the construction of an additional 15 to 20 Changing Places over the next two years.
$500,000 was allocated in 2021-22, with the remaining $1.5 million allocated in 2022-23.
The Department of Communities has commenced preliminary work to consider potential gaps in the existing network of Changing Places and areas of identified need.
Comments attributed to Disability Services Minister Don Punch:
"The McGowan Government is proud to support people with disability in Fremantle with funding for a Changing Place in the City of Fremantle's new civic centre.
"Fremantle is a popular tourism destination in Western Australia and this facility significantly improves amenities for people with disability to ensure they can enjoy visiting the port city.
"Congratulations to the City of Fremantle for demonstrating its commitment to people with disability by providing this important facility.
"Changing Places give people with disability the confidence to travel and enjoy time away from home with family and friends without worrying about access to appropriate facilities.
"The rapidly growing network of Changing Places across Western Australia ensures people with disability have increased options to travel around and engage in recreational activities across the State, and I am proud that the McGowan Government's $2 million election commitment will see this network grow significantly over the next two years."
Comments attributed to Fremantle MLA Simone McGurk:
"Fremantle is known for its diversity and inclusion - that is what makes it such a great place to live in and visit.
"Having a disability shouldn't be a barrier to experiencing what Fremantle has to offer, and these facilities will make it more accessible for everyone.
"I am proud that we can help bring these important facilities to Walyalup Koort and I would like to thank the City of Fremantle for making it a priority."